Ephesus Courts Closed on Monday

By September 14, 2019 Announcements

Pickleball Enthusiasts,

Parks and Recreation notified us late today that Ephesus Courts will be closed during the day on Monday, 9/16, in order for the vendor to re-bond multiple areas of the court where the mondoten adhesive has failed. So, there will be no day-time play at Ephesus on Monday.

However, we have also spoken to the vendor performing Monday’s remedial work and have been assured that his work will be completed in a timely fashion and that the Ephesus courts will be available for league play Monday evening.

In summary, no pickleball during the day on Monday at Ephesus. However, Monday’s evening league play will proceed as scheduled.

See you on the courts.

JB Marr
Brad Hemminger
USAPA Ambassadors

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